Complete FAMI- QS Certification Audits with Australian QC:
FAMI-QS is outstanding quality and feed safety management system for the sector of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures. They are the worldwide leading accredited scheme for the feed industry contributing to safe food. Accreditation is an essential pillar for the credibility of our scheme. It assures governments, supply chains, and consumers that FAMI-QS Certification organisations have the required competence and impartiality.
FAMI-QS is operating under IAF MLA. The FAMI-QS Certification System proactively responds to the emerging feed-related challenges in our sector. The FAMI-QS Certification Scheme addresses safety quality and challenging topics of integrity (fraud), defence and regulatory compliance.
Australian QC is proud to be implementing FAMI-QS certification services. To promote certification against these standards Worldwide. This makes us one of the most sought-after Certification Body in Australia and New Zealand. At Australian QC, under the banner of FAMI-QS, we believe in consolidating the customer relationship by delivering and focusing on continual development. We feel proud to be affiliated with FAMI-QS Certification System.
We welcome you to the FAMI-QS Certification System – Welcome aboard!
Initial audit by the Australian QC

Stage 1 – FeSMS,
documentation, scope
Max. 6 months

Stage 2 – verification of the implementation of the FeSQMS
Initial Application Procedure
Two stages initial
- Approval letter from FAMI-QS – product list;
- Licence documents for the Operator’s operations;
- List of ingredients purchased from non-assured suppliers (processing aids/intermediates are excluded);
- Information about production site(s);
- Externally provided services (contract manufacturers, warehouses);
- Audit report from the subcontractor(s) (toll manufacturer(s), supplier(s);
- Countries where the products are placed.